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Monday, January 5, 2009

Artsy Day Out - misc stuff

Before we headed for lunch at Va Va Voom (Read the review of the restaurant here) & the Museum for the photo exhibits, we walked pass the Peranakan Museum.

Being a "Little Nonya" fan, Yyn was tempted to go in though we were late for the photo exhibit. We did make a quick tour in there and had a look at how a traditional Peranakan wedding was carried out through the displays of wedding gifts, traditional wedding garments, tea ceremony etc etc.
"Si Dian Jing" for the bride..
The front of a typical rich Peranakan home from the olden days.

Some of the other photos I took at the Museum (other than the actual photo exhibits).
Interior of the Museum

The 3 LCD panels are moving-still shots - meant as publicity for Voom Portraits

One of my fav shot of the day!
Gravity-defying chairs

Another of my fav!
Attempt at a different framing

I wanted to evoke a ? kinda feeling for this photo. Like how was this photo taken?
Disclaimer: No photoshoping was done to add in the various subjects....

PROJECT RUNWAY wannabe: Ladie's Avant Garde Army style
If this exhibition piece was to make it to Project Runway, i think it would be the episode where designers have to design Couture wear for ladies to go to war in. Hehe...

Frankly, at 1st glance, I almost thought it was just another army-wear. But when I looked at the detailing, it's actually incorporating some really feminine style into Army prints- corset-cut, scrunged-up 3 quads, 5" heels... But definitely not for the military...


I love Vespas!!! If I could drive a Vintage 20 yr old VW Beetle, I would!!! But in Singapore it just doesn't make sense. Same reason why it doesn't make sense to buy a fast speed convertible only to ride it at 60km/hr on normal roads, breathe in the fumes during rush hour in the CBD and pay double the road tax for a vehicle that seats half the no. of passengers.
That's just my POV (Point Of View) anyways... :P

Framing for this shot inspiring by Yyn!


Yyn said...

yeah! love these shoots! esp the Vespa and Musuem shoots!
let's go back to the Peranakan Musuem some othr day when u free k? ;) maybe we can Jio some molies and eat Va Va Vooom/Food for thoughts also!

Kara said...

Yea man! Let's do that!!!!